Hello! Well, we’ve been quiet for a while, but we are still around for sure. Issue 14 had a couple of setbacks, but it has been at the printer’s for a week, and we should have the new issue in our hands soon. When we receive the physical copies, the .PDF issue will go up on the website as well. We are so excited for you to see it.
Some announcements: We are actively reading for issue 15. Right now that is just feedback submissions, but we will open to regular submissions on June 21st. This is where we hit the big exciting news – we will now be a paying market! Not a lot right now, but something. Contributors will receive $7 each, and if we do ok by the time we go to print we will raise it to $10. This is a little bit of an experiment, so if you’d like to help us out, consider making a feedback submission, (where you get feedback from one of our talented editors,) or tossing a couple of dollars in the tip jar on the sidebar.
As always, with the changing of reading periods, we have some editor movement. Thank you to Abigail Rabishaw, Rose Wunrow and David Midkiff for your work on Typehouse, and welcome back to Lily Blackburn! We are also looking for a couple more prose and poetry editors. The time commitment will be through this reading period, culminating in preparing the magazine for publication in September, with the option to continue for future reading periods. If you are interested, email typehouse@typehousemagazine.com for a position description. Right now it is a for the love of it position, although Val will be willing to provide letters of recommendation, work with college requirements for credit, etc..
This is exciting movement for us, and we are glad you are along for the ride!
Val & the Typehouse Team