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Issue 22 is live!

    You can download and order it here! Featuring: Fiction by:Ryan Doskocil, Sara Herchenroether, Jessica Evans, Esem Junior, Brittany J. Smith, Wendy Elizabeth Wallace, Christopher Barker, Naira Wilson, David Evan Krebs, Nathan Alling Long, Preeti Vangani, and Michael Williamson. Creative Nonfiction by:Alessandra Davy-Falconi, Amy Whiting, and Kimberly Moore. Poetry by:Anthony… Read More »Issue 22 is live!

    Updates to our site!

      As you can see, we have made quite a few changes to our site. First and foremost we now have our own store! That’s right, you can order the current issue, back issues, a subscription or even all four of our issues in print! It is secure and you can… Read More »Updates to our site!