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Issue 20

Synesthesia: Artist as Witness

    Suzanne S. Rancourth

    Being a witness, or artist, isn’t always a choice if one is gifted with what the western perspective calls “a perceptual phenomenon,” i.e., Synesthesia. I have always stated, as Artists we have a responsibility to take note and “report” via whatever art making modalities we have available to us; using our sensory tools to see, smell, hear, feel with our gut, (and flesh i.e., air displacement,) what is happening in our immediate environment. 

    About “Beirut, Summer 1982”

      From the painting Lebanon by Nabil Kanso 1983

      The basement scene depicted in my poem “Beirut, Summer 1982” could have happened at almost any time of the fifteen-year long Lebanese civil war that lasted from 1975 to 1990. I chose to situate it during the summer of 1982 as an allusion to the siege and carpet-bombing of Beirut by the Israel Defense Forces.

      Writing While Black in a Year of Protest

        Shawn R Jones

        I sat down to write a few days after George Floyd’s murder, and never had the writing process felt more precarious. In 2019, it seemed so clear. I understood what I wanted to say and who I wanted to speak for, but more recently, my mind has been fraught with hurt, rage, and disappointment.

        The Practice of Seeing

          James Miller

          We have a long global tradition of writing about visual art—ekphrasis. Anne Sexton’s “The Starry Night” is an important one for me, a poem that captures her longing to dive into Van Gogh’s raw brushstrokes. Sexton seeks a more vivid and dangerous world, one ruled by a “great dragon” that demands absolute commitment to fearless creation.

          Cut It Out: Keeping Your Short Stories Short

            Tyrel Kessinger

            When it comes to writing short stories, especially flash fiction, we simply have to keep in mind their leanness, their small tautness. There’s no time for long-winded passages or overwrought explanations, no time to waste in the bog. Instead, think of your writing as the striker of the proverbial hot iron. You need to hit hard, hit quick, and be swiftly shaping the heated elements into something worth a damn.

            Reading With Gloves On

              Here is an image from my childhood: my mother reverently turning the onion-thin pages of a typewritten, amateurishly bound book. She has gloves on. This is the USSR in the late 1970s. The book is George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty Four. It has never been published by a state press. It is never discussed by any critic. It is missing from literature textbooks. Orwell’s novel is not merely banned; it does not exist.

              Writing about Black Death in the Time of Black Lives Matter

                Wendy Thompson Taiwo

                I began writing extensively about the conditions of black life and death in America after the murder of Philando Castile in Minnesota in 2016. The killing that took place on that hot July night—a police officer drawing his weapon, a black man shot dead—was routine and yet different. I was living with my young daughter in St. Paul when I heard the news.

                Waken to Your Poem

                  Rochelle Jewel Shapiro

                  As soon as I wake up, especially if I don’t set an alarm and just let myself rise when my sleep cycle naturally breaks, seeds of poems are waiting to be planted in my journal. I always choose a journal by its tactile quality. Velvet with lace, satin with ribbon, sometimes leatherette (don’t want to kill animals for my poems).

                  Learning to Delight in Form

                    Jessi Fuller Fields

                    Religiously homeschooled until college, I grew up a famished reader. Though I had a constant stream of books in hand, the content was often more instructive than literary. I consumed nearly every title on the shelves at home from courtship manuals and Creationism guides to decades-old encyclopedias and Atlas Shrugged.

                    Guess what I have!

                      Issue 20! If you haven’t ordered it yet, please do! Also, download it here! Also, if you’d like to see what happens when I get the issues. . . Yeah, it’s a lot of magazines lol

                      Issue 20 is coming!

                        Would you like to see the contributors? Of course you would! How about a cover peek? (Order is the order accepted, not the order in the magazine, we haven’t figured that out yet! (But we are working on it) William CrawfordGary BloomAllison BriceAvra MargaritiLeanne HowardIfeanyi EkpunobiPeter O’DonovanJames MillerDavid RomandaVirginia Elizabeth… Read More »Issue 20 is coming!