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Typehouse Issue 27 Cover

Issue 28 will be posted shortly!

We are open to regular submissions!

Message from Typehouse’s EIC, Val

Greetings new and old Typehouse friends.

As you may have noticed, Typehouse has gone radio silent for quite a while. Although there are a few factors, the biggest is that I (Val), have been dealing with health issues for the last few of years that became overwhelming. Typehouse has been incredibly important to me for over ten years, and as so many magazines are closing, I really didn’t want to let everything we have done fade away. However, I have reached a point where I have accepted that Typehouse needs to go on hiatus for a while.

Therefore, our June 2025 issue will be our last for the foreseeable future. Typehouse will not totally fade away, but I need time and space to figure out where we go from here. We will continue accepting submissions through some point in May ’25 (although submissions may close earlier if we fill the issue, so don’t wait till the last minute), with the last issue coming out in June, but beyond that I’m not sure what the future will hold. Typehouse as a website will stay up and operational, and all issues will continue to be accessible to contributors and readers. More information will be posted soon as I figure out our path. I’m working on resolving everything currently in the pipeline and email, and when I know more details you will be the first to know.

Thank you for your support over the years. Typehouse has been incredibly important to me since 2013, and I want to make sure that it doesn’t fade away.

Thank you,

Val Gryphin, EIC